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Wednesday, January 18, 2012



I will die recognized for what has painted my soul and my action to reflect it off of this world of smoke and mirrors. I refuse to sleep through a war for our souls. I understand, the true consequences because I stand not in the way of sacrifice but in the way of doubt, taking responsibility for those not given a chance yet to prove themselves. We have been oppressed by ignorance, but we will fight back with humility, recognized for bein lied to..and yet forgive and be thankful we are alive to have the choice to dislike what we hear. lost to the fog, it is hard to remember where you came from, but you can not judge through what your eyes tell you, but through what your heart feels. So they attacked our morals, making evil hilarious, making violence a sign of strength instead of defense and defense as paranoia instead of duty, numbing our emotions, destroying our gps.

 We must be recognized for being a fish out of water, yet fight back with honor, confidence, and faith. Climbing out of the sewers, we must be recognized as plumbers, still human, innovative, and able to survive change amongst future monsters, alive or inanimate, because ugliness my people, should be attributed to purpose and intent. We must be recognized for being pure, saying what we truly mean, and creating a world that parallels our dreams, united and loving as we accept being dependent on one another, independent only in free will, to make cooperation seem so much more beautiful, relationships more meaningful, true love, more powerful.

 Accepting imperfections is valuing differences, and harnessing the different talents of our brothers and sisters to serve one another as neighbors, as family, as fellow soldiers in a cause of prudence for real justice, not allowing the wrong to go unanswered and not faltering to Lazyness to just punish or eliminate but to increase compassion and rehabilitate.. it takes time to be good, its hard to be good, its also more rewarding than any material satisfaction, and we must recognize that is what this world is driven by, greed and insecurity. We must be recognized as wealthy spirits with free souls , rich off the land and the tools built by man, not as slaves thrown into a matrix of competition to stay relevant and be what the industry expects of you.. we must impress ourselves! We must be recognized, for sacrificing what is valued for what is important, for bravery, for respect of one another, whether right or wrong. Because any side teaches a perspective and you can assume that they are not the only ones thinking this way, 
we must master this game called life. This is a gift of opportunity and we must take care of it. We must learn to use the land and give back as well as each other. Do not fear death but fear how you managed your time, what mark have you left? Do not stress what side your on, but what you do with both of them..... IN THESE FINAL DAYS , KEEP AN OPEN MIND, BE RECOGNIZED FOR BEING ABLE TO RECOGNIZE... PEACE & ONE LOVE. 

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